Sunday, March 28, 2010


My Birthday September 7th of 2007 was the day I decided to change it all. At this point my book was published and I knew....I knew writing was going to be my future, my destiny, my fate. When I got the letter saying Publish America was going to publish my book and it wasn't going to cost me a dime. I knew my life was changing and I was in for the ride of my life.
The first time I pick up a pen it was for my son at Christmas 2004. Money was more then tight and I wanted to give him something special. So I wrote...I am Jason's Mom, a tribute to my son. Something happen to me after I finished that poem. Then a dear friend suggested I write another poem and then I wrote another and now I have one hundred an four poems about life since 2004. I have poems about Katrina, the Virginia Tech Tragedy, Darfur, events that effects us. I write about people and pets that have crossed over that was special to me, memorials. I look at my poems as a way to celebrate these precious lives that I had the pleasure of knowing in this life. Being a half a century old you can't help to come away with some inside knowledge about this mortal journey, and I write about that too! Lessons I've learned, experiences I faced, all in simple verse to share.
It would take two months to planned the downsizing of my life from a full apartment to a one bedroom space that I shared with a family member in Ocean City, Md from Hagerstown, Md. I knew if I wanted a future in writing, something in my life had to change. It marked the beginning of a journey to find my place in the literary world. I had seven years in that small apartment in Hagerstown and had collected seven years of living, too! If I didn't sell it, I gave it away and what I couldn't pack with me I left behind. I will share this adventure and many more. I will share my poems, my experiences and the adventures that mark the events that bring me to you now.
I had a dream from day one.....I could see myself in an RV traveling from State to State, meeting people sharing life experiences and putting this in poetry form to share with the world. Even today I still see myself doing just that and with each baby step I make toward this goal am just one baby step closer to my dream. Like any adventure it needs to be shared.
So what better place to start then with the poem that began this adventure.
I am Jason's Mom

Hello, Little One.
You Blessed my life with laughter,
With tears and cherished memories.
I walked each step with you as we grew.
I dusted off the bumps and wiped away your tears.
I watched with gasps and baited breath,
As you took on the life of an awkward young man.
Life dealt us a few curves, and choices were made,
With no family or teachers to prepare us.
So we stood together with no blue prints.
Our lives taking unknown roads.
I was so scared and felt so alone.
No family to love us. You would smile and say....
"Mom, it's just another adventure."
With innocence so pure and rich, you gave me strength
And courage to believe in myself and the good in all people.
As a grown man, with the knowledge of a very old spirit.
You moved through life's challenges with strong shoulders.
I am so proud to be able to see your growth as an adult.
You've become a leader; a reflection of strength and courage.
A spirit and will so strong that despite our life's tragedies.
You have become a responsible and Mature Man.
Today and Always,
I am Jason's Mom
This poem was published in Spring of 2005 with American Poet's Society,
Prominent Voices In Poetry & Expression. Update: My son just Graduated from College with his Bachelor's Degree and will be going civilian after twelve years with the Navy this Spring. Every Christmas and every Birthday mom writes a new poem to celebrate his life. Our Children are our legacy and am Blessed.
Belinda Sue

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